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  • Writer's pictureRaj C

How to Manage Dependencies in Scrum Project Management

Master dependency management in Scrum with real-world examples, tips, and expert insights for agile success.
How to manage dependencies in Scrum

In the world of Agile Scrum, managing dependencies is a critical aspect of ensuring the success of your projects. Dependencies can be the roadblocks that hinder your team's progress, and mastering the art of handling them is vital. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the strategies and techniques for effectively managing dependencies in Scrum. We'll also delve into real-world examples, share valuable tips, and leave you with key takeaways to implement in your Agile projects.

1. Sprint Planning: A Solid Foundation

The cornerstone of Scrum is the Sprint. Sprint planning is where it all begins. During this meeting, the Scrum Team identifies and prioritizes user stories from the product backlog. While doing so, it's crucial to consider dependencies. The team should analyze which user stories are dependent on others to avoid bottlenecks.

Real-world Example: Imagine you're developing a mobile app. Sprint planning reveals that designing the user interface (UI) is a dependency for creating the login feature. By recognizing this dependency early, you can allocate resources accordingly.

2. User Stories: The Building Blocks

User stories are at the heart of Scrum. These bite-sized, client-centric descriptions of functionality drive the development process. To manage dependencies effectively, break user stories into manageable tasks. This makes it easier to identify and address dependencies.

Tips: Use story mapping to visualize and prioritize user stories. In this way, you can easily spot dependencies and plan accordingly.

3. Sprint Retrospective: Continuous Improvement

The sprint retrospective is a key ceremony in Scrum. It's where the team reflects on what went well and what could be improved. Addressing dependencies is a vital part of this process. Encourage open communication to identify and discuss any dependencies that affected the sprint.

Takeaway: Make dependency management a regular topic in sprint retrospectives. This ensures that issues are identified and addressed promptly.

4. PI Planning: Aligning Multiple Teams

For larger Agile organizations practicing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Program Increment (PI) planning is essential. When multiple Scrum teams are involved, coordinating dependencies becomes even more critical. PI planning sessions provide a forum to align on dependencies across teams.

Real-world Example: Imagine a Scrum of Scrums (SoS) meeting where Scrum Masters and Product Owners collaborate to synchronize efforts and address cross-team dependencies.

5. Scrum Master: The Facilitator

The Scrum Master plays a pivotal role in managing dependencies. They act as a facilitator, ensuring that the team identifies, prioritizes, and addresses dependencies effectively. Scrum Masters also promote a culture of collaboration, which is crucial in handling dependencies.

Takeaway: Empower your Scrum Master to champion dependency management within the team. Their expertise in Scrum principles can make a significant difference.

6. Product Owner: Stakeholder Alignment

The Product Owner must be actively involved in managing dependencies. They act as a bridge between stakeholders and the development team. By maintaining a clear and constant line of communication with stakeholders, the Product Owner can help identify and address dependencies that might arise due to changing priorities.

Real-world Example: Imagine a scenario where a stakeholder suddenly requests a new feature that impacts the current sprint. The Product Owner's role is to assess the impact and prioritize it accordingly.

7. Kanban: Visualizing Work

While Scrum is known for its time-boxed sprints, Kanban is another Agile framework that can complement Scrum. Kanban's visual board helps teams visualize their work, making it easier to spot dependencies and bottlenecks in real-time.

Takeaway: Consider using Kanban boards alongside Scrum to visualize and manage dependencies more efficiently.


Managing dependencies in Scrum is crucial for a successful Agile journey. By embracing strategies like efficient sprint planning, breaking down user stories, utilizing sprint retrospectives, aligning multiple teams in PI planning, empowering your Scrum Master, and involving the Product Owner, you can handle dependencies effectively. Don't forget to consider the use of Kanban to further enhance your dependency management process. In the ever-evolving world of Agile, staying on top of dependencies is key to delivering value to your stakeholders and customers.


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